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Tag Archives: Laws and Regulations

How Fast Can I Go?

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

Pop quiz hotshot. You pull onto a roadway and you don’t know what the speed limit is. How fast can you legally drive? Many motorists don’t know this but there is a speed set for each and every roadway in the State of Maryland, regardless of whether there is a sign and regardless of… Read More »

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Welcome To The Party: Third Party Cases

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

When a worker is injured on the job by the fault of another person, she has the right to make a worker’s compensation claim, but may also pursue the at-fault person for damages. The claim or lawsuit against the at-fault person is called a third party claim. Why is it a third party claim?… Read More »

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Pay My Bills! Or, Brother Can You Spare A Dime, For Just A Little While?

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

After you have been injured in a car crash, someone has to pay your bills. That someone is generally YOU. It doesn’t matter whether you were at fault or if someone else caused your injuries, the legal responsibility to pay those bills is yours. So what do you do? First, if you have personal… Read More »

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You Must Replace Your Car Seat After A Moderate Or Severe Collision

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

Most car safety seats work by holding your child snuggly in place during a collision, and by absorbing or redirecting the energy in a collision away from your child’s body. Quality car seats also drop the child vertically to redirect the energy from the collision, and prevent the child from striking the backs of… Read More »

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Dear Maryland, Please May I Sue You? Or, Rex Non Potest Peccare

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

Believe it or not, the only reason you can sue the State of Maryland, its counties, or other governmental entities is because the State of Maryland allows it? It is true; the concept arises from when the U.S. was part of England. The legal concept, and of course the latin, is Rex non potest… Read More »

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Health Insurance Liens: That’s Not A Get Well Card

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

After being injured in a motor vehicle collision, you may receive a letter from your health insurer telling you that it looks like you were injured in an accident. At first, you may think, “How nice.” But if you read further, you will see, THEY WANT YOUR MONEY! Even worse, they are entitled to… Read More »

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What Does It Mean When A Driver Receives A Citation After A Collision?

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

After a motor vehicle collision, one or even both of the drivers may receive a citation. Both drivers invariably ask the same question: “What does this mean in a future lawsuit?” The answer depends what the driver does after the citation. The law in Maryland is that a guilty plea is an admission against… Read More »

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So, You Ignored My Previous Article And Got Hit By A Car

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

One of the worst types of collisions is the pedestrian strike. There is no real positive outcome when a 2,000 lb. vehicle strikes or runs over a person. Generally, the law in Maryland is that pedestrians have the right-of-way in a crosswalk; after that, each case has to be reviewed individually. A few years… Read More »

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Middle Car Syndrome

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

I tried a case not too long ago in Baltimore County. My client was the driver of a car that was rear ended and, as a result, was pushed into the rear of the car in front of him. He was injured and made a claim against the rear driver’s insurance, which was denied…. Read More »

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The Insurance Adjuster vs. The Officer: Who Will Win?

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

I often have clients ask, if the police report says the other driver is at fault, then why won’t the other driver’s insurer pay my claim? The police report (also known as a Vehicle Accident Report) has nothing to do with whether a judge or jury will find a driver at fault, and therefore… Read More »

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