Tag Archives: Occupational Hazards
Workers’ Compensation Claims Process – How long does it take to get a hearing and what is a “consideration date?
One of the most common questions I receive from clients concerns how long it takes to get a hearing before the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission. As with any court or judicial body, the Commission sets its own schedule and the claimants and attorneys appearing before it are subject to that schedule. Generally speaking, however,… Read More »
Injuries while in uniform: Am I covered if I am injured in my own personal vehicle?
It is a fact of life that police officers, on occasion, find themselves in their own personal vehicles but in uniform. Whether it is on the way in to the barracks, on the way home after a shift or for a multitude of other reasons, accidents and injuries do occur under these circumstances. The… Read More »
Benefits for Burns, Scars & Disfigurements
Maryland Workers’ Compensation law requires the Employer/Insurer of a worker who is burned, scarred or disfigured while performing his/her job to pay to that worker, compensation benefits. This includes, and is especially relevant to, fire fighters. A fire fighter who is burned, disfigured or scarred while either fighting a fire or performing any other… Read More »
Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP Team Secure Significant Benefits for Local Firefighter
Ken Berman and Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP were able to secure benefits from three different insurance carriers for a single injury to a fire fighter who was involved in a devastating collision between a tractor trailer and a fire engine. While the law is clear that a Claimant cannot receive compensation twice… Read More »
Facts About Injuries for Fire Fighters and First Responders
Fire fighters get injured at work more than the general population. If that seems logical to those who perform the job, now there are official numbers to back it up. In 2014 there were 63,350 fire fighter injuries which occurred in the line of duty, a decrease of 3.8% from 2013 when there were… Read More »
Hard Fought Court Victory for Widow of Deceased Fire Fighter
Attorney Ken Berman has secured death benefits for the widow of a deceased fire fighter in a three (3) day jury trial. The Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission had found that the Claimant, a fire fighter who was not diagnosed with multiple myeloma until 23 years after last running a call, did not sustain a… Read More »
I injured myself at work – why did my employer’s insurance deny my claim?
Simply getting injured at work doesn’t guarantee you any benefits or rights under the law, unless you file an accepted claim with the Workers’ Compensation Commission. Many injured workers only file paperwork with their employer or employer’s insurance company without ever realizing that this is NOT the same thing as a workers’ compensation claim…. Read More »
Increased Deliveries Equals Increased Injuries for Delivery Drivers
Is it just me, or does it seem like there are simply not enough hours in the day anymore? More often than not, I’m trying to accomplish multiple things at a time in order to get through the never-ending ‘to-do’ list that I have created for myself each day. That, coupled with easy access… Read More »
Injuries from Prescription Related Side Effects for Firefighters
Over the years, I have represented thousands of you for claims arising out of work related, as well as non-work related, injuries and/or diseases. Unfortunately, not only have you had to worry about the injuries and the diseases themselves, other concerns have arisen besides the dangers of your profession. Recently, many of the treatments… Read More »
Key Differences in the Vocational Rehabilitation Process in Maryland and the District of Columbia
VOCATIONAL BENEFITS The Workers’ Compensation Statutes in both the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia offer a benefit to injured workers called Vocational Rehabilitation, often called “Voc Rehab” for short. Vocational Rehabilitation arises in a workers’ compensation case when the injured worker’s medical treatment is complete, or near complete, and he/she is… Read More »