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Tag Archives: Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claim – Is My Injury Covered?

The Importance of Documenting All of Your Injuries

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

All too often when workers are injured the focus is on the most severe parts of the body hurt. Frequently the minor pains and bruises from other parts of the body are ignored. However, in a workers’ compensation claim it is very important to report every hurt, bruised, or swollen body part no matter… Read More »

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Workers’ Compensation Claims Process – How long does it take to get a hearing and what is a “consideration date?

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

One of the most common questions I receive from clients concerns how long it takes to get a hearing before the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission. As with any court or judicial body, the Commission sets its own schedule and the claimants and attorneys appearing before it are subject to that schedule. Generally speaking, however,… Read More »

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Workers’ Compensation and FMLA

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

If you find yourself injured on the job, and are required to miss work while you recover, you may be concerned about whether your job will still be waiting for you when you are able to return. Certain employees have federal protections available to them, in addition to their workers’ compensation benefits, which they… Read More »

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Supreme Court Requires Injured Railroad Employees to Litigate Far From Their Homes

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

I wanted to write this post for our friends who work in the railroad industry because the Supreme Court recently issued a decision that affects the rights of every railroader. On May 30, 2017, the Supreme Court decided the case BNSF Railway Co. v. Tyrrell. The Court’s decision limits the states where railroad employees… Read More »

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The Impact of Wage Loss on The Life of a Correctional Officer

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

I recently had a jury trial in Cumberland where I represented a correctional officer at one of the large State prisons in Western Maryland. I was reminded during the course of the trial of the devastating impact that a work accident can have on someone who lives in Western Maryland. This was someone who,… Read More »

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Why Workers Compensation’ For Police Is More Important Than Ever Before

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

Police officers are not only covered for accidental injuries arising out of and in the course of their employment, but they are also covered for occupational diseases arising from the unique hazards of their employment such as heart disease, hypertension, and hearing loss. Maryland law presumes that the heart disease or hypertension developed from… Read More »

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Injuries while in uniform: Am I covered if I am injured in my own personal vehicle?

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

It is a fact of life that police officers, on occasion, find themselves in their own personal vehicles but in uniform. Whether it is on the way in to the barracks, on the way home after a shift or for a multitude of other reasons, accidents and injuries do occur under these circumstances. The… Read More »

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Police Officers and Duty Belts – How Back Injuries Can Be Prevented

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

Think of all the dangers police officers face. They are punched, shot at, struck by cars during traffic stops, injured while restraining combative suspects, and in collisions while in a vehicle pursuit. These are just a few of the perils they encounter. Often though, the injuries which occur while police officers are in the… Read More »

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Why should I file a Workers’ Compensation Claim if my Employer’s insurance is already covering my medical bills?

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

There is a BIG difference between filing a claim with the Workers’ Compensation Commission and filing a claim with your employer’s insurance policy. As Attorney Al Gross discussed in his recent blog post, submitting a “First Report of Injury” or other worksheet to your employer or employer’s insurance is NOT the same thing as… Read More »

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Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP Team Secure Significant Benefits for Local Firefighter

By Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP |

Ken Berman and Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP were able to secure benefits from three different insurance carriers for a single injury to a fire fighter who was involved in a devastating collision between a tractor trailer and a fire engine. While the law is clear that a Claimant cannot receive compensation twice… Read More »

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