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Should You Provide A Recorded Statement After A Car Accident?


In the aftermath of a car accident, it is likely that the insurance company of the at-fault driver will contact you and ask for a recorded statement. It is important to understand why you should avoid providing such a statement. A recorded statement can be used against you in certain situations, which could negatively affect your claim.

If the insurer reaches out to you and asks you to provide a recorded statement, politely refuse and say that you wish to speak with your attorney first. Contact our Maryland car accident attorneys at Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP so we can help you protect your rights when dealing with the insurance company.

What Is A Recorded Statement?

A recorded statement is exactly what it sounds like—a recording of your words that can be used as evidence in court or for other legal proceedings. The insurance company will usually ask for these in order to get more information about the accident from you. However, it is important to understand that any information provided by you during this time can be used against you if the case goes to court.

Why Should You Avoid Giving A Recorded Statement?

Providing a recorded statement may seem like the right thing to do, but it can actually have serious consequences on your case if given at the wrong time or under incorrect circumstances. The insurance company may use anything you say in your statement against you, so it is important to make sure that any information provided is accurate and up-to-date.

Additionally, sometimes people are not aware of all the details of an accident right away and can unintentionally provide inaccurate or incomplete information when giving a statement. This can hurt their case and reduce their chances of receiving compensation.

It is also important to note that insurance companies are trained negotiators who know how to use language and phrasing in order to get what they want from unsuspecting victims who are still reeling from the shock of an accident. It is best not to give them any ammunition they can use against you down the line when negotiating settlements or filing claims.

For these reasons, consider consulting with an experienced car accident attorney before giving any kind of statement—recorded or otherwise—to an insurance company after an accident has occurred. An attorney will be able to guide you through any negotiations with insurers and help ensure that your rights are protected throughout the claims process.

How to Protect Your Rights When Communicating with the Insurance Company?

It’s crucial that you know your legal rights when communicating with an insurance company after a car accident so that your best interests can be protected. Review the applicable laws for your state so that you are aware of what is required from both parties and ensure that all communications remain professional and respectful at all times. If needed, seek legal advice from a qualified attorney who can review all documents related to the accident before proceeding further.

When negotiating with an insurance company after a car accident, you need to understand what type of claim is being made, what kind of coverage is available, and what kind of compensation may be paid out. Make sure that all paperwork is completed correctly and submitted within set deadlines; otherwise, there may be delays in processing the claim or receiving payment for damages incurred due to the accident. If there are any discrepancies or issues related to filing a claim, resolve them immediately before they become bigger problems down the line.

If you believe the insurance company is acting in bad faith when processing your claim or negotiating a settlement, you might be entitled to an award with enhanced damages, according to the Maryland Insurance Administration.

Get Legal Counsel Today

Providing a recorded statement after being involved in a car accident should generally be avoided due to its potential negative impacts on your case. Consider speaking with our personal injury attorneys at Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP to determine whether or not giving such a statement would be beneficial for your situation specifically so that no mistakes are made when dealing with insurers post-accident. Get your free consultation by calling 800-248-3352.



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