Workers’ Compensation For Car Accidents

Getting in a car accident while on the job is a nightmare for most people, and the aftermath of trying to determine how to get coverage and support is no better. There are countless factors that can complicate the process of getting benefits after a car accident, such as your employment status, whether you were driving a company or personal vehicle, if you were operating within the scope of your employment, and who was responsible for causing the crash. This can be a lot to sort through, especially while you are in pain and recovering from major injuries. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced Maryland attorney to help you navigate the process as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
Can I Get Workers’ Compensation for a Car Accident?
If you were involved in a car accident while performing job duties, you are likely entitled to workers’ compensation benefits provided you meet some other necessary criteria. The biggest requirement is that you be classified as an employee. If you are classified as an independent contractor, you will not be entitled to workers’ compensation coverage. Of course, sometimes employers will intentionally (and illegally) misclassify employees as independent contractors in order to avoid liability in situations like this. It is important to consult with a Maryland workers’ compensation attorney to determine if you are an employee so that they can take action to hold your employer accountable and make sure that you get the benefits and compensation that you are entitled to. Another requirement is that you were operating within the scope of your employment at the time the accident occurred. It is not always enough merely that the accident happened during work hours or at the workplace. For instance, if you were driving around in doughnuts in the company parking lot outside of operating hours and hit a light pole, you would not be likely to qualify for coverage. Likewise, if you were driving drunk or running an errand unrelated to work or that was not authorized by your supervisor, you may be unlikely to get coverage. However, if you were operating within the scope of your employment, liability is not relevant in the determination of eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits. Even if you were responsible for causing the accident you can still get workers’ compensation benefits. Make sure to inform your supervisor of the accident and any injuries as soon as possible so that they can start the process of filing the claim.
Schedule a Consultation with Berman, Sobin, Gross
If you were involved in a vehicle accident while on the job, it can be a highly tricky situation to navigate. Make sure that you have an experienced legal advocate at your side to get you the compensation and support that you are entitled to. Contact the experienced Maryland workers’ compensation attorneys at Berman, Sobin, Gross today to schedule a consultation and get the workers’ compensation benefits that you deserve.