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What Not To Do While On Workers’ Compensation?


Receiving workers’ compensation benefits is essential for workers who can no longer perform their jobs due to an injury or illness. Workers’ compensation benefits can provide you with much-needed financial support while you recover and help you get back to work.

However, some people may unknowingly sabotage their own ability to receive benefits by engaging in certain behaviors. Our workers’ compensation attorneys at Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP help injured workers obtain and maintain workers’ comp benefits when they suffer work-related injuries and illnesses.

5 Behaviors to Avoid While on Workers’ Compensation

Below, we will discuss what not to do while on workers’ compensation to ensure that you can continue receiving the benefits to which you are entitled.

1. Not Choosing Your Own Doctor

After an injury, it is essential to seek medical help from a professional. Some employers may try to convince you to see a specific doctor hand-picked by the company. However, you must choose your own doctor (or seek guidance from your attorney) as they have your best interest at heart. It also ensures any medical reports you obtain are reliable. Do not compromise your care for your employer’s wishes.

Fact: Unlike other states, Maryland law does not require injured employees to comply with their employer’s request to be treated by a specific doctor. In Maryland, injured employees are free to select a doctor of their choice.

2. Exaggerating Your Symptoms During Checkups

While recovering from an injury or illness, it is common to feel discomfort and pain. However, it is never acceptable to exaggerate the level of pain you are feeling to benefit from a claim. Medical professionals can detect this behavior and may even invalidate your claim for workers’ compensation benefits.

3. Not Complying With the Doctor’s Orders

Doctors order tests, prescribe medication and suggest therapy to help recover from your injury and illness. If you disregard any of these orders, you may harm your health, delay your recovery, and potentially lose your workers’ compensation benefits. Always follow your doctor’s recommendations, and if you feel unsure or uncomfortable, seek a second medical opinion.

4. Quitting Your Job

If you quit your job during your leave of absence due to injury, you may automatically lose the right to certain workers’ compensation benefits. Depending on the status of your case, it may have no impact – however, it is best to consult with your attorney before taking any action.

5. Not Following Your Attorney’s Advice

If you are currently receiving workers’ compensation benefits, it is still advisable to continue working with an experienced attorney to ensure that you can maintain your workers’ comp for as long as necessary. Maryland’s workers’ compensation law can be complex and confusing, which is why you should consult with and follow your attorney’s advice when any questions arise.

Consult with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Receiving workers’ compensation benefits is not always straightforward. Following certain protocols and avoiding certain behaviors while recovering is the key to fulling receiving the benefits to which you are entitled. Consider consulting with a knowledgeable attorney if you have any questions regarding what to do and what not to do while on workers’ compensation. Reach out to Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP to set up a free case evaluation. Call 800-248-3352.

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