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Five Strategies For Dealing With Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claims Adjusters


On-the-job accidents can happen in any occupation. Workers’ compensation benefits in Maryland provide a safety net when you suffer personal injuries or are diagnosed with an occupational illness. These benefits help cover your medical care, lost wages, and other costs.

Unfortunately, to get the benefits you are entitled to, you will need to go through insurance claims adjusters. Our Maryland workers’ compensation attorney recommends the following five strategies to protect your rights and get the maximum amount of benefits you are entitled to.

  1. Understand the role insurers play in filing a claim.

In Maryland, most employers are required to provide workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits protect their employees in the event of work-related injuries or occupational illnesses.

While you will need to file a claim through the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC), insurance companies working on behalf of your employer process and pay benefits.

  1. Keep in mind that claims adjusters are not your allies or friends.

A workers’ compensation insurance claims adjuster will be assigned to your case. Regardless of how they present themselves, they are not your ally or friend. Their top priority is protecting your employer and their own profits.

  1. Avoid downplaying your injuries or how they impact your life.

When speaking with insurance claims adjusters, there is a tendency to make offhand remarks that may downplay your injuries and their impact on your life. Unfortunately, the adjuster can use these statements to deny or downplay your claim. 

  1. Get medical records and a firm diagnosis from your own doctor.

Maryland workers’ compensation claims adjusters often want you to schedule a visit with their doctors, who are likely to dispute your injuries and your rights to benefits. Have your own providers, get a statement from them detailing your diagnosis, and keep copies of all medical records.

  1. Be aware of time limits for processing claims.

Under the Maryland Workers’ Compensation law, there are strict time limits for filing and processing workers’ compensation claims.  Under Maryland law you have two (2) years from the date of an accidental injury or in an occupational disease claim, you have two years from the date that you have actual knowledge that your disability was due to your employment to file a claim. The insurer then has 21 days to review your claim and either approve or deny benefits. If you receive a denial letter, you generally have 30 days to file an appeal.

Request A Consultation With Our Maryland Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today 

Workers’ compensation benefits provide a safety net when work-related injuries or illnesses happen. Unfortunately, these benefits must be approved by insurers, and it is not uncommon for claims adjusters to find reasons to either deny or downplay your claim. Our Maryland workers’ compensation attorneys can fight for you get the benefits you are entitled to.

To protect yourself in this situation and your rights to benefits, get the experienced legal representation you need at Berman | Sobin | Gross LLP. To request a consultation with our Maryland workers’ compensation attorney, call or contact our office online today.




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