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Maryland Workers' Compensation Attorneys > Blog > Auto Accidents > Uber Accident = Uber Complicated

Uber Accident = Uber Complicated

In today’s day and age, it is not uncommon for individuals to hail rides from complete strangers using apps such as Uber, Lyft, etc. What’s even stranger are the insurance issues that arise when an Uber vehicle, for example, is involved in a motor vehicle accident.

Under Maryland law, an insurance company may refuse to provide “any and all coverage” for a loss or injury if the incident occurred while the driver was “providing transportation network services.”

For example, Mr. Rideshare uses his personal vehicle for Uber services and his automobile is insured by Big Bucks Insurance Company. Mr. Rideshare does not update his Big Bucks Insurance policy to reflect that he is using his vehicle for ridesharing purposes. If Mr. Rideshare is involved in a motor vehicle collision, whether he is at fault or not, Big Bucks Insurance Company can refuse to cover any aspect of the loss.

If you have been injured in an automobile collision involving a ridesharing app vehicle, you need an experienced attorney who can protect your right to recovery. Call personal injury attorney Jaclyne Kartley today for a free consultation at 301-740-3313.

Attorney Jaclyne KartleyCall or email me with your questions:

Jaclyne Kartley

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